Monday, December 17, 2012

Co-opting the Coop - First Published Piece!

I've been waiting to post about this for a while! A few months ago I was contacted by one of my former professors, Kristin Rogers-Brown, about doing some illustrations for the winter issue of BITCH magazine. And finally it is now published! I present to you, the hipster chicken!

This was for an article called "Co-opting the Coop". You can read it online HERE. This is really exciting for me as an artist because it is my first published work! And the project was super fun and interesting to work on. I also did some of the smaller spots around the page, which you can see if you buy the issue. Which you should. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Six Months and Counting


It has been almost 6 months exactly since I graduated from college. And this blog, which was started while I was in the process of completing my senior thesis hasn't gotten much love since the end of school. But now that my mind is pretty much decompressed from school and all the stresses involved with thesis I feel I'm ready to get back on the proverbial horse.

Symbiotic Planet will now act as my art blog, as well as fulfilling its original purpose of being a record for the Animal Saints Project. As I work on various projects and pieces I will being posting photos and sketches of my work. As of right now there will be no specific schedule for my postings, but I'm going to be shooting for twice a month at minimum.

Another addition will be small written posts to be used for research, musings and reflections on art, human relations with the planet and my place within the world. I am no writer, but sometimes it just helps to get things down in front of you.
Until the next post, thank you for watching!